Programs and courses. 2: Complementary elective courses at the undergraduate level includes GNG 2101, GNG 4170, and GNG 4120, but excludes all courses offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering as well as all courses that have a. East, Ottawa ONK1N 6N5 Canada. The graduate microprogram in Psychedelic Science will focus on the scientific foundations and therapeutic uses of psychedelic medicine. History is the discipline that focuses on the diverse and complex ways that individuals and groups have created and adjusted to change over thousands of years around the world. Contact information. 9 optional course units in political science 1. Why choose uOttawa; Programs and courses; Undergraduate studies; Graduate studies; Applying to uOttawa; Campus tours and admissions events; Professional Development Institute;. Elective Courses in Medicine (ELE) Electrical Engineering (ELG) Engineering Co-op (CGI) Engineering Design and Teaching Innovation (SED) Engineering Management (EMP) English (ENG) English as a Second Language (ESL) Entrepreneurial Engineering Design (EED) Environmental Engineering (EVG) Environmental Science (EVS) Environmental Studies (ENV) Modern language courses are included in the list of electives without prerequisites offered by the Faculty of Arts. The student must maintain a minimum CGPA of 6. For more information about graduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your. 6 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) 3rd year (30 course units) 6 units from the list of optional courses 3. Then click on the Drop tab and follow the instructions. For more information about undergraduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your. At the University of Ottawa's School of Political Studies, you build your knowledge in four subfields of political science: political thought, Canadian and Quebec politics, comparative politics, and international relations and global politics. Part of your learning experience. CRM3334 (compulsory course) 3 optional course units in criminology (CRM) 3 optional course units in criminology (CRM) at the 3000 level. 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 Course sequence - BASc in Electrical Engineering 4th year students are required to pick one of the 5 compulsory options:. Keep in mind that there's a maximum number of 1st year electives you can take before they don't count towards your degree. COMP (Computer Science) except COMP 1001. The elective course units may also be selected from graduate courses offered by other departments with the approval of the MPH Program Committee. DATA 5002 Data Science, Ethics & Society. Toll free: 1-877-868-8292 ext. Khadije Sobh. The content of the course is good stuff to have knowledge on going through life imo. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario is our regions’ pediatric. (30 course units) 3 course units from: FEM 4310, FEM 4320, FEM 4330. UG BTech (26 Courses) INR 22. Total: 21 Units. 2nd year. Priority given to students registered in the Honours, Joint Honours or Major in geography or environmental studies. Preferably they’ll be offered in the summer, but I also need general suggestions. (June to August: closes at 3:30 p. Plan for electives. 6 Units. Easy A+. m. Projects must be directed by a faculty member of the School of Human Kinetics, unless otherwise approved by the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies. A combination of elective courses, of options, of minors and/or of majors including at least: 2 78 Units 18 course units within the Faculty of Arts, of which at least 12 units must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. MAT 2377 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers. This course runs from September to April. BIO 4920, BIO 4921 are corequisite to BIO 4009. Check the admission requirements and application deadlines as they vary from one discipline to another. I am glad to have done my search on which University of Ottawa courses are the easiest electives. ADM courses at the 4000 level are reserved for students in specific programs who have completed at least 33 units from ADM core. CO-OP. MAT 1320 or MAT 1321 (preferred) or MAT 1327 or MAT 1330 is corequisite to PHY 1121. 4th year. The student must maintain a minimum CGPA of 6. Professional. Only the courses found on. ADM courses at the 4000 level are reserved for: 1) B. HSS 2305 Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Electives without prerequisites. A spot has been reserved for me in CO-OP. Introduction to certain aspects of classical Greek civilization: literature, religion, philosophy, art and architecture, science and engineering, private life, political activity. You can find your program requirements, such as which mandatory, optional and elective courses you need to take, and read course descriptions. CMN 3130. Studies of the physicochemical properties of food constituents (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, fibers) as well as their interactions under different conditions. Honours BSc Human Kinetics. Prerequisites: APA 2180 and 81 university units and written permission from the supervising professor. Founded in 1945, our Faculty was the first in North America to offer its medical program in both English and French. 'It’s like upgrading our vision from black-and-white to technicolor,' as he eloquently puts it. 613-722-6521 ext. 2. MCG 2130 | Thermodynamics I. 30 Units. m. Learning takes place on the front line, alongside patients, in hospitals, communities, rural areas and abroad. In studying change over time, history students learn to interpret evidence of human thought and behavior, in order to understand the impact of individual and. MAT 1320 or MAT 1321 (preferred) or MAT 1327 or MAT 1330 is corequisite to PHY 1121. Programs and courses. CSI 2110 | Data Structures and Algorithms. Complete the exercises in the Word document. GNG 2101, GNG 4170, and GNG 4120, but excludes all courses offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering as well as all courses that have a science, mathematics or engineering content. m. uOttawa. 75 Laurier Ave. Of the 24 elective units, some breadth in other sciences is recommended and the following course is recommended in particular: CHM1311, (MAT2141 or MAT2342) or (MAT2371 or MAT2377) (MAT2141 or MAT2342) or (MAT2371 or MAT2377) is recommended as an optional course in MAT. BASc in Software Engineering (CO-OP) BASc in Software Engineering, Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship Option (CO-OP) The course sequence you need to follow is that of the term and the year you first joined your program. 3 optional course units in Theatre (THE) at the 3000 or 4000. Easiest courses I've taken a Uottawa (other than first-year intro to essay writing) and it is fairly interesting if you are into Roman history. Must register to PHY 1331 if 4U or OAC Physics not completed. ca. If you can memorize a few definitions then these will be a breeze. (e. Honours BA Psychology. Why choose uOttawa; Programs and courses; Undergraduate studies; Graduate studies; Applying to uOttawa; Campus tours and admissions events; Professional Development Institute;. At the University of Ottawa's School of Political Studies, you build your knowledge in four subfields of political science: political thought, Canadian and Quebec politics, comparative politics, and international relations and global politics. Liaison Officer, Year 4. Origins of disease, drug function, side effects and safety. Gas dynamics with Jodoin is one of the easiest classes ever with very easy to understand material and derivations. Even if you didn’t know the answer, you’d still. Please consult the 2018-2019 calendars for the previous requirements. , MScN thesis = 1 elective; MScN clinical project = 3 elective; PhD = 1 methods elective plus optional for others). Programs and courses. Montpetit Hall. It's not a guaranteed A like you want your easy electives to be but this class is very useful if you are thinking about business and want to get a taste of all of the different Telfer options (Ex. Search uOttawa. It is important for us to provide you with the best service possible. 2 To find an elective, see the course timetable. Send us a request. If you have a learning, physical or mental health disability and require an academic accommodation, we can help. Summary. If you're new and would like to enrol as a non-degree student in the Improving academic standing category, you need to contact InfoService before Friday, December 8, 2023 to create a non-degree student file so you can enrol online as soon as enrolment opens. uOttawa Elective Courses. 9 optional course units in geology (GEO) or in Environmental Science (EVS)at the 3000 or 4000 level: 9 Units: Elective Courses: 12 elective course units from the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management 1: 12 Units: 18 elective course units 2: 18 Units. g. Looking at my course sequence, I need 2 electives(27 credits for one elective apparently) this semester. All prerequisites must be successfully completed before enrolling in a. Search one of the following. If you have a learning, physical or mental health disability and require an academic accommodation, we can help. The passing grade for all food and nutrition (NUT) courses is C+. m. (30 course units) ECO 3152 (compulsory course) 3 course units from: MAT 2143, MAT 2324, MAT 2348, MAT 2355, MAT 2362. You can choose to gain experience working with local organizations. (30 course units) 6 optional course units in international development and globalization (DVM) at the 4000-level from the list of optional courses. K1N 6N5. Entire site Library Employee directory. Some courses are only available in one. They are also known notoriously as gpa killers. CLA2103 and CLA2104- History courses: They are second year courses but don't have prereqs so you can take them in first year. The yearly tuition fees for international students at University of Ottawa are given as follows: Courses. GEG 4127 Seminar in Human Geography (3 units) Definition and realization of a research project on contemporary problems in human geography. Fall. GNG 2101, GNG 4170, and GNG 4120, but excludes all courses offered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering as well as all courses that have a science, mathematics or engineering content. The easiest electives are the ones you find interesting IMO. For example, you could enrol in a biology course from this list if you are studying in the Faculty of Arts. We also offer language courses to improve a second language or your French as a first language, or to learn a modern language. (30 course units) 3 optional course units in political science at the 4000-level 1. SRS1110 is always recommended in threads like this. The School of Music at the University of Ottawa is one of the country's leading music schools. ENG1100- Fun and easy essay writing class. It provides the knowledge and skills required to play a leading role in developing, promoting and implementing programs, policies and positive lifestyle behaviours for different populations. This portal allows students to find and register for online courses in universities across Ontario. ca. Civil engineers design the infrastructure on which their communities depend, such as buildings and their foundations, bridges, canals, dams, transportation facilities, municipal sewer and water networks, and wastewater and solid waste treatment systems. BIO3124. Using the Enrol application in uoZone (quickest method) From uoZone, go to Applications and click on Enrol. Prerequisites: 4U biology, 4U chemistry or equivalents. Keep in mind that there's a maximum number of 1st year electives you can take before they don't count towards your degree. Basic microbiology, virology and immunology will be introduced within an interdisciplinary health context. GEG2320. Course List. MS (18 Courses) INR 9. Introduction to International Economics. imaginebirds. Entire site Library Employee directory. . ) and the processes involved in. Elective requests can be sent to the appropriate contact listed in the Electives contacts list for the. 3 optional course units in Psychology (PSY)3. Use your @uOttawa email account. Complete all the requirements for a Bachelor of Education (B. Prerequisite: 24 course units in Sociology (SOC) or 54 university course units. m. NSG 5192 - Statistical Analysis in Nursing 2. ITEC5102 (SYSC 5500) Designing Secure Networking and Computer. Part of your learning experience. ENG1100 Workshop in Essay Writing. This means you could literally take a course in every domain and graduate with a little bit of everything or like you asked, experiment with electives to figure out which type of CS you want to go in. Degree offered: Master of Engineering (MEng) Registration status options: Full-time; Part-time. 2nd year (30 course units) 3 course units in History (HIS) from: HIS2197, HIS3101 or HIS3105. The goal is to consolidate skills, learn to take a leadership role or to focus on specific areas of interest. Greenberg Women’s Health Centre or patients who have questions regarding their care should contact the reception at 613 738 8400 x 81725. For more information about graduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your. uOttawa and medical students from other schools can get more information and apply for an elective opportunity with us via the AFMC portal. It is recommended but not mandatory that the 12 optional course units in linguistics (LIN) be chosen from list A, B and/or C below. Many of the midterm questions are taken from this section if you have Girodo's class. Optional courses: 15 optional course units in Health Sciences from the list of optional courses: 15 Units: 6 science optional course units offered by the Faculty of Science: 6 Units: Electives: 30 elective course units or a minor: 30 Units: Total: 120 Units Seminar in feminist theories allowing students to contextualize and synthesize their knowledge of feminist and gender studies through an in-depth examination of feminist thought. 6 course units in microbiology and immunology (MIC) at the graduate level 2. Physical Geography Field Research. Programs and courses; Future students; Students; Faculties; Research; Alumni; Support uOttawa;. ”. I wouldn't recommend taking 3rd. g. 48 elective course units: 48 Units: Total: 48 Units: The electives may be replaced by a combination of a Minor, Option(s), and/or elective units. Some courses are only available in one language. MAT1341. 3 course units from: AHL11001, AHL1900, ENG1120. COMP 5306/CSI 5100 Data Integration**. Search uOttawa. Provide Website Feedback. Select from the five following categories to build your own program: Basic skills courses (12 units) Majors (42 units*) Minors (30 units) Microprograms (9 to 18 units) Electives. S. Some of the music courses (Popular Music, the Sound of Rock) were also recommended by friends. English and French are the official languages of Canada and two important international languages. Elective 1,2. 501 Smyth Road. Course Component: Discussion Group, Laboratory, Lecture. Units. Ed) and a recommendation for certification by the Ontario College of Teachers. Course sequence — Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Design (2023-2024) Year. students who have completed at least 33 units from ADM core courses, including ADM 2381/2781; 2) Students completing a minor in Business Administration or a minor in Management Information Systems; 3) Students in the certificate programs of the Telfer School when these courses are part. hkesap@uOttawa. Electives Coordinator. POL 2107 Introduction to Political Thought (3 units) Origins and development of political thought. MAT 1348 | Discrete Mathematics for Computing. Programs and courses; Future students; Students; Faculties; Research; Alumni; Support uOttawa; uoZone; Brightspace;. To meet your program’s requirements, you may have to take a certain number of electives (courses that you choose among all courses the University offers). Only the courses found on this list are acceptable science electives for undergraduate engineering students. It includes field experience through study and work terms in Canada and abroad. psyugme@uOttawa. Course Component: Lecture. A maximum of 45 course units can be taken at the 1000 level. The study of public administration seeks to advance our understanding of how governments work and of their role in contemporary societies. 6 elective course units. uOttawa’s new Canada Excellence Research Chair. Sociology and Anthropology of Development. BIO 1130( Organismal Bio) and BIO1140(Cell Bio) are super demanding courses with A LOT of reading material that have to be UNDERSTOOD, and not memorized. 6 course units in biochemistry (BCH), cellular and molecular medicine (CMM), microbiology and immunology (MIC), or neuroscience (NSC) at the graduate level. 3 optional course units in Geography (GEG) at the 3000 or 4000 level. These placement tests determine your level for University of Ottawa modern-languages courses only. ca. Prerequisites: 3 university course units in Feminist and Gender Studies (FEM) and 51 university course units. English (ENG)uOttawa will be accepting applications for home school electives from uOttawa’s 4th year medical students between Aug 17 at 9:00am EST and Aug 23 at 9:00pm EST. Please let me know your favourite easy electives that have worked for you during your uOttawa journey and do not hesitate to contact me for more. New non-degree students. It focuses on the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. BIO 1130( Organismal Bio) and BIO1140(Cell Bio) are super demanding courses with A LOT of reading material that have to be UNDERSTOOD, and not memorized. We are a dedicated and dynamic group of over 130 faculty, who work in the Emergency Departments (ED) of two large tertiary care hospitals and one community hospital. Search one of the following. 3 optional course units in Communication (CMN) at the 4000 level. During your graduate studies, you will need to take the required number of graduate courses. You can choose to gain experience working with local organizations. Support uOttawa. CRM 1300 Introduction to Criminology (3 units) Different conceptions of criminology and notions of crime and deviance. 4 Choose six units from the following: APA 1122, APA 1302, APA. A combination of elective courses, of options, of minors and/or of majors including at least: 2 78 Units 18 course units within the Faculty of Arts, of which at least 12 units must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. Complementary electives are offered in both French or English and can be taken in either language. Specificity of the French production system. zzhen069 Master's Degree • 4 yr. Unless otherwise explicitly listed as an optional course in your program of study, this course cannot count as a Science optional course, but may be used as an elective. The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. I got an easy A without showing up to most of the lectures. Students interested in graduate studies in mathematics should choose MAT 2141. PHI 2398 | Environmental Ethics (this course is not offered every year, and a course sequence modification might be required) Either: CHG 4900 | Thesis and Seminars. Even easier than MC. The University of Ottawa offers elective opportunities to residents and fellows who: Apply at least 60 days prior to the elective start date (Please see below for rotation schedule) Are Canadian or a permanent resident currently registered in a recognized postgraduate medical education program in Canada or the U. 3 course units in French as a second language (FLS) 8. 3 optional course units in chemistry (CHM) at the 3000 or 4000 level: 3 Units: Elective Courses : 12 elective course units offered by the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management: 12 Units: 18 elective course units: 18 Units: Total: 120 UnitsThe Department of Family Medicine offers several opportunities for medical students and residents to participate in meaningful primary care research as a part of their medical education. For more information about undergraduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your. Improved skills in one or both is therefore an asset. Option in Public Law. The courses PHY 1121, PHY 1124, PHY 1321, PHY 1331 cannot be combined for units. Overview. Note that if you have not completed your community elective of 4 consecutive weeks. This comprehensive course examines the articulation of family and life trajectories with other fields of sociology (work, culture, politics, ethnic relations, development). Electives without prerequisites give you the opportunity to explore other disciplines that interest you. CIN2190 (Aethestics of Cinema) is a pretty easy course too. Must register to PHY 1331 if 4U or OAC Physics not completed. Twitter | Faculty of Health Sciences Facebook. MAT 2377 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers. 12 elective course units. Contribute to excellence in patient care. Complementary electives courses. Enter your student number and the other information requested. Honours BSocSc Anthropology. These philosophy courses will definitely compliment this. Urban Geography Field Research. have no relevance for courses given outside the University of Ottawa. If you can memorize a few definitions then these will be a breeze. 3 course units from: SOC 4315, SOC 4316. Compulsory Courses: 1. Canada. ca. Learn the basic structure of each program, course prerequisites and much more. Civil engineering students at the University of Ottawa can take advantage [email protected] L – INR 33. 3 course units from: POL 3115, SOC 3331. 03. HSS1101- Determinants of health course: you can pretty common sense your way through this course, quite easy. August 6, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the course of electives for medical students, uOttawa continues to be faced with many difficult decisions. Director: Sakahohe Pembleton. Two of the following courses:uOttawa 2000 level or higher electives. 132 Units. Prerequisite: OAC or 4U Physics. 51 L. GEG 4920. 5 or greater calculated from the two most recent years of full-time study in the Honours in Biochemistry program (minimum of 54 units including all compulsory 3000 level courses) is required. This program can be chosen only as a second study module as part of a 120-unit bachelor’s degree that allows a minor. Diode oscillators and reflection amplifiers. to 4:30 p. Les cours BIO 4920, BIO 4921 sont concomitants à BIO 4009. B-2. All courses are available in English and French. All the midterms/final were true/false. Course Component: Lecture. The double degree program—BASc in Electrical Engineering and BSc in Computing Technology—will put you at the intersection of the two areas that propel the waves of technological development. Marks are completely exams/midterms. (e. 2. The courses PHY 1121, PHY 1124, PHY 1321, PHY 1331 cannot be combined for units. Others UG (43 Courses) INR 22. 6811. Course Component: PHI 2385 Ethical Questions (3 units) Analysis of contemporary ethical problems. HSS 2321 Sociopolitical and Economic Perspectives in Health. 6 optional course units in communication (CMN) at the 4000 level. Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. Desmarais Hall, 8th floor. All prerequisites must be successfully completed before enrolling in a. Because the courses are offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science, you are subject to their enrolment regulations, dates, protocols, examination rules and regulations which are different from those of the Faculty of Applied Science &. Optional courses: 3 optional course units in Health Sciences from the list of optional courses: 3 Units: 6 science optional course units offered by the Faculty of Science: 6 Units: Electives: 30 elective course units or a minor: 30 Units: Total: 120 UnitsNeed car to drive to various clinics. Course Component. 120 Units. Monday to Friday. 6 optional course units in geography (GEG) at the 4000 level 2. 132 Units. PHI 2396 Bioethics. There's a few questions (no more than 5) on lecture notes. It’s up to you in the end. The Honours Bachelor in Health Sciences program is defined by its integrative approach for studying health. Unit II: MED 2202. Plan an Elective; uOttawa Students Resources; Elective Opportunities; Clinical Electives in Anglophone Settings;. 1st year. Like, I said, we don't have streams at uOttawa so as you can see, the entire 4th year is electives except for your Honours project. ca. 3 optional course units in Music (MUS) at the 3000 or 4000 level 3. ESL 0105 Pre-Academic Foundations in English as a Second Language. See if and when a course is offered by using the course timetable tool. August 6, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the course of electives for medical students, uOttawa continues to be faced with many difficult decisions. 4 You can take HSS 1100 and HSS 1101 in either the Fall or Winter term. 9 elective course units in nursing (NSG) at the graduate level 1: 9 Units: Clinical Project: NSG 6401: Clinical Project in Advanced Nursing Practice:Programs and courses. • 3 yr. Since making choices is central to all human activities, studying. MCG 2131 | Thermodynamics II. ENG1100- Fun and easy essay writing class. PHY1121 (or PHY1331 if 4U Physics not completed) 3 elective course units offered by the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management. Technical electives (2) include the following courses: CEG 3185, CEG 4187, CEG 4190, CEG 4396, ELG 4115, ELG 4118, ELG 4122, ELG 4126, ELG 4137, ELG 4157, ELG 4159, ELG 4177, ELG 4178. Recent. Many students feel that improving their English is important in order to succeed in their studies and benefit from greater career opportunities. Tel: 613-746-4621 x 6036. Electives . They have the option to complete a directed studies course (HSS5995) or another elective graduate-level course, which must be taken during the fall or winter session of the first year. If you are an international medical student, physician assistant student or a licensed physician and looking to do an. Only the courses found on this list are acceptable complementary electives for undergraduate engineering students. 3 course units from the list of optional courses. All you have to do is buy the textbook and study guide and only do the multiple choice section of the study guide. Undergraduate Education Program. Criminology (CRM) The following courses are offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. 4th year. 3 course units from: 3 Units. Fall. Consult the official source of information on all University of Ottawa programs. 3 elective course units. MCG 2130 | Thermodynamics I. Total: 120 Units. 9 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) ECO2118. 20 Courses You Didn't Know You Could Take at uOttawa. PSY 1101 Introduction to Psychology: Foundations (3 units) Object and method of psychology. For a complete list of courses please refer to the list of complementary elective courses (examines how individuals and society make choices in a world where resources are limited. Undergraduate Programs. uOttawa will be accepting applications for home school electives from uOttawa’s 4th year medical students between Aug 17 at 9:00am EST and Aug 23 at 9:00pm EST. This laboratory course will expose students to advanced methods and techniques in biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology. 6 optional course units at the 3000- or 4000-level from the list of optional courses. You don’t have to take the course you’re exempted from, but you must replace the units with units from another course (in the same discipline or an elective). I would recommend gas dynamics since it will be great for your GPA. Email: coor3emed@montfort. 9 elective course units. ELECTIVES. SEG 2911 | Professional Software Engineering Practice. / Prerequisite: Reserved for students registered in an Honours program in Biology and that have completed a minimum of 81 university units. ca/ programs. Comparative Politics of Development. uOttawa Students Guidelines. 55 L. PHI 1370 Philosophical Issues in Health Care 1. 5 or greater or a GPA of 6. The compulsory and optional Science courses and the electives can be combined to fulfill the requirements of any options offered by the University of Ottawa. CSI 5140 Selected Topics in Computer Systems (Category S) (3 units) Selected topics in Computer Systems (Category S), not covered by other graduate courses. Undergraduate Programs. 0 Bird. MCG 2360 | Engineering Materials I. English Immersion. TermResearch with impact. This course is intended primarily for students in the School of Management and the Faculty of Social Sciences. If you are strong academically, 6 courses shouldn’t be a problem. Discover our areas of research. You can also take optional or elective courses again or replace them with other courses. 1st year (30 units) ANP1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I. ) Get ready to enrol in your courses! Select the student category that best describes you and follow the steps to complete your course enrolment. Optional courses: 15 optional course units in Health Sciences from the list of optional courses: 15 Units: 6 science optional course units offered by the Faculty of Science: 6 Units: Electives: 30 elective course units or a minor: 30 Units: Total: 120 UnitsSeminar in feminist theories allowing students to contextualize and synthesize their knowledge of feminist and gender studies through an in-depth examination of feminist thought. Support Waterloo Engineering. From uOttawa website; BPS 1101 Drugs 101 (3 units) Drug history, discovery and use. 3rd year. Two important themes are efficiency (the absence of waste in the use of resources) and fairness. 3. Improved skills in one or both is therefore an asset. The relationship between the Public Service and its socio-political environment. Functioning of the criminal justice system. Undergraduate. )HSS 1101. (30 course units) PAP 4315 (compulsory course) 3 optional course units in public administration (PAP) at the 4000 level. Room 5458 - 1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4. For the clinical project option, you need to take three electives (total 9 units).